Moving towards a more equitable, locally-led and
collaborative humanitarian sector
Supporting you, your organisation and your partnerships to move forward towards a more equitable, locally-led and collaborative humanitarian sector.
All services can be offered live as well as online and anywhere in the world. As long as we can communicate in English or Dutch (and some French) with sufficient connectivity via skype or other channels online.
- sessions or workshops to:
I am an enabler – creating space for you, your team, your partners to reflect, to explore new perspectives and to carve out your own pathways towards equitable, locally-led and collaborative approaches to humanitarian practice.
My offer is to partner with you to co-design what support you need at this moment, building on current capacity and keeping humanitarian purpose, social impact and collaborative potential in sight.
Five Golden Rules, based on experience from various contexts the past decades, will be taken along in every assignment:
Do you need support to facilitate sessions for a group, to deliver a training tailored to your needs or to undertake a review. Or to explore transformative potential and to think through your next step.
If there is a founding mothers list for localization - you would be on it. We are in debt to the transformative agenda your efforts have led to. I am always inspired after talking to you - making me think about our work in ways I didn't before.
You actually listen to what others have to say. You try to understand rather than judge. You do not care about power, status, or any of that ego stuff. You work hard, by facilitating others to be their best. You enourage, support, enlive, energise.
You were important for me throughout the project - as a mentor, as a sparring partner and as an energiser, thanks to your incredible experience, your knowledge, and the drive and commitment you bring to everything you do. You helped me to revisit some of my basics - I learnt from you to think differently about development and about my role in the sector and more broadly my approach to others.
Towards principled humanitarian action: the role of partnerships (PBA 2021)
Empower Local and National Humanitarian Actors program (Oxfam)
The collective responsibility of humanitarians in complex crises (HPN May2016)
Create Space for Local Humanitarian Actors (Voice Out Loud#20, Dec.2014)
Cash Relief in a contextedcontested area. Lessons from Somalia (HPN, March 2005)